GNPS2 Analysis Hub

Welcome to the GNPS2 Analysis Hub, a web-based mass spectrometry analysis platform. This is the central location for all GNPS2 tools and services.

GNPS2 is developed and maintained by the Wang Bioinformatics Group at UC Riverside. Please reach out if you have any questions and want to collaborate!


  • Workflow Server
  • Explore Data
  • Leverage Powerful Workflows
Launch Workflows

MASST Database

  • Query All Public/Private Data
  • Enrichment Analysis with Metadata
  • Build Spectrum Context
MASST Spectra

Spectral Libraries

  • Explore All Spectral Libraries
  • Aggregated Public MS/MS spectra
  • Visualize Spectra
Browse Public Libraries

Structure Dashboard

  • Convert Structures
  • Calculate Masses
View Dashboard

Virtual Office Hours

  • Interactive Feedback
  • Free For Community
Join Office Hours

Public Tasks

  • View All Public Tasks
  • Shared Analyses
Browse Tasks

Spectrum Resolver

  • View MS/MS Spectra
  • Compare MS/MS Spectra
View Spectrum Resolver

GNPS2 Dashboard

  • View Full LCMS/GCMS
  • Interactive in Web
View Dashboard

Advanced Viz Tools

  • Data Viz Dashboards
  • Custom Data Selection
Explore All Tools